Frequently Asked Questions



Do my Sandbags arrive with sand?

Sorry but no.  Your bag will arrive empty with the closing system and a filling guide

How do I close/seal my sandbag?

Using the metal ring, ball and zip ties, follow the instructions on the filling guide.

What kind of medium should I fill my sandbag with?

OTFH recommends ether washed sand or concrete sand.  A puff of dust may come out of the bag when dropped.  This is normal, but if it is a concern you may want to consider a different filling medium

Can I put anything else in my sandbag or does it have to be sand?

Yes of course, but be careful.  Sharp edged objects may damage the material.  Filler such as plastic pellets, 7mm washed pebbles etc should be fine.

Do I have to fill it to the top?

The best thing about these sandbags is the they can be filled to your desired weight.  OTFH usually fill our bags in 5kg increments but it is up to you.  Just ensure that you leave about 7cm of material above the ball.